Why Feed? — Calcutta Mercy

A reliable meal provides nutrition to live, energy to work, and stamina to learn.

Nutrition to live

Hunger is the world’s number one health risk. It kills more people every year than AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined. Prolonged hunger can lead to stunted growth, low body weight, inability to fight off disease, and premature death.

India is home to 25% of the world’s hungry poor. Over 7,000 residents die of hunger every day.

The good news is hunger is an easy problem to solve. Good nutrition and reliable food bring health and stability to communities. When people work together to solve hunger, they lay the foundation for progress in other areas of development, including education and medical care.

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Energy to work

Of the 1.2 billion people living in India, approximately 33% live on less than $1.25 a day, and 69% live on less than $2 a day. Wages this low require families to make sacrifices, sacrifices that too often includes forgoing meals for days at a time. Children are sent to the market to buy cheap, rotten produce, and when the money runs out, families forage through trash heaps in search of anything remotely edible to ease the agony of hunger.

With a reliable daily meal, income earners can invest more time in securing adequate work opportunities, and find the energy they need to increase productivity.

Stamina to learn

Of the world’s malnourished children, one in three lives in India. 43% of India’s children under five years old are underweight. It is no wonder than nearly 50% of children’s deaths here are due to malnutrition.

Insufficient nutrition in early childhood severely affects motor, sensory, cognitive, social and emotional development. Malnourished children have a more difficult time learning in school and are at a greater risk of disease and early death in adulthood. A healthy meal everyday contributes significantly to a child's ability to feel alert, focus in the classroom and finish school.

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When A Village Benefits From A Feeding Project

A hot meal of lentils, rice, and vegetables is available every morning at a nearby feeding line. Bring a pot to fill with food!

A family member carries her pot of food to a two-room thatched hut where her loved ones are waiting. They sit together for the meal and each have their fill.

A father leaves for work knowing his family is satisfied. He is motivated to work hard, and has the energy to do it.

The trash heaps are empty of people. Today, the scraps are for the birds.

Children finish their free lunch at school. They return to the classroom to resume studies. Its time for English, and they can’t wait for their turn at the chalkboard.

A father returns home. He has enough rupees to provide dinner and perhaps a pair of shoes for his son.


A mother drifts off to sleep without wondering how her family will eat the next morning. She feels hope, and hope changes everything.


"Feed our bellies and then tell us there is a God in heaven who loves us!"

- A hungry poor man, Calcutta, India.

The Significant $1

Every $1 yields 4 nutritious meals for India’s hungry poor. These meals transform lives, and come at a surprisingly low cost. Feeding the poor is a smart investment and provides the foundation for progress in other areas of development, including education and medical care.